Monday, March 25, 2013

Throne of Fire & Serpent's Shadow

Titles: Throne of Fire & Serpent's Shadow (books 2 & 3 in the Kane Chronicles series)
Author: Rick Riordan

K - 2 Kane children are Blood of the Pharaohs and are gathering other people with Blood of the Pharaohs to fight the god of Chaos, named Apophis, who is rising from the Daut.
A - Apophis is a character in the 2nd & 3rd books of the Kane Chronicles.
N - These Blood of the Pharaoh kids are not normal because they can do magic and others cannot.
E - These 2 books are exciting with all the magic and the monsters.

C - Could not happen in real life, so this story is fantasy.
H - A Hunter god named Neith fought on the Kane side and not for Apophis.
R - The Kane children ran into gods wherever they went.
O - Gods fought on the Kane side.
N - This book is NOT real.
I - These books are interesting because of the Gods and the magic.
C - Quests in these 2 books can be very,very dangerous.
L - Apophis loved to try and hurt and kill people.
E - Egyptian gods and monsters fill up this story.
S - This story is sad at some parts, like when Sadie's and Carter's mother was trapped under a cliff because a serpent's shadow was sucking in all the spirits.


  1. Unlike Hatchet, I actually could not get into these books so I had to listen to them on audio. The narrators were great and really helped the story come to life, but I still didn't like the story as much as the Percy Jackson books. It might be because I don't care for the Egyptian mythology as much. Have you read those books? If so, which did you prefer?

  2. i liked the Kane chronicles i thought it was good did you????

  3. I did like these books a lot. I did read all of the Percy Jackson series, and I actually like the Kane Chronicles better. I like all of the mythology, so I think I liked the Kane Chronicles because I got to learn new things about Egypt. The information about the Greek Gods wasn't as new to me, and I like to learn new things.

  4. Great answer, I have never been drawn to the Egyptian mythology. Perhaps it is because I grew up with the Greek mythology.
